...Or will there be a natural disaster that will consume / destroy us all?
Maybe aliens will come and make us surrender our planet and be slaves for them!
It was me and a group of friends. So they went to Singapore to have vacation and to visit me. And they came to our house to have lunch and while the food is being prepared I was like bragging MAX about how freaking nice it is to live in SG. I told them how safe this place is, the awesome foods, late night karaoke, NIGHTLIFE, how HI-TECH is it here. And finally I mentioned that this country is very lucky when it comes to natural disasters. I was like, "Ooh Singapore never gets earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, forest fires, floods, volcano eruptions and other freak of nature disasters! This country is so protected by a cluster of surrounding neighbor country and islands that this is pretty much protected from any catastrophe ever happening to us except world war 3. You guys will love it here!"
Right after I said that the ground started shaking like MAD.
At first it was funny coz it happened right after I explained to them that there are NO EARTHQUAKES here. Well, which is true. And we even had laughs that time. Until debris and rocks started falling down WTF
I realized that it's a serious earthquake already.
"HOLY SHIAT! RUN THE FUCK OFF NOW!" I yelled. So we ran outside the house and saw all of the tall buildings collapsing! And take note that the ground was still shaking that time.
Seriously I was so scared and I dunno what to do! It's like the real thing OMG
Where's my family that time?!? Why is the earthquake not stopping?!? ASDFGHKJLKSDHQ Is this what they call the "Judgement day?!? And why did one of my friend cut her limbs off WTF?!?
Then lavas started coming out from nowhere!! All the people started running like crazy everywhere until I tripped down and finally woke up.
After that I realized that it MIGHT happen(IKR? WEIRD.)
Who nows when? Maybe next year? Or year after next year? Or year after that year?
Let's just hope it will not happen that early. Hopefully in the next 10,000 years. PLEASE OH PLEASE DON'T LET THE WORLD END IN AS EARLY AS 2012! PLEASE JUST DON'T LET IT END :O
There's still alot of things that wanna do ok?
Like buying an orange Lamborghini Aventador:
Such beauty :O
I love how everything is so modern + authentic Italian Machine. It's just perfect. I WILL BUY THIS. SOMEDAY. SOMEDAYY I TELL YOU. HAHAHA
But in all seriousness, I believe that if the world ever ends, (which it will by the way, sooner than all of us think) it will be because of our own doing.
With all this harm that we're doing to mother earth (global
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hmm blog posts w/o pictures of you suck...
I sort of agree in here. If the world was to end it is because of our fault.
lol funny nung dream biglang may nagputol ng limb :))
I also noticed all the changes that's happening to our earth these days. Nonstop raining and the heat of the sun is intolerable. It will end real soon in my opinion.
@babyposadas: IDK if I should take that as a compliment or as an insult LOL
@Lynthiawong: Hopefully not O_o
@ANON: Aish. Why so negative one ar?
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