So last month I bought this
All those awesome features just made me crave for one and then I excitedly bought the phone.
Today, I went out with my nephew and Mom to go to some random mall here.
Mom and I decided to go to the supermarket to buy something for my grandmother, and we decided not to ask Reilley to tag along with us because he's really restless that day.
So I told Reilley to take one of my phones with him (I have two phone lines) so that at least if he is lost I can still contact him. So he just stayed outside the supermarket and I gave him the iphone, shown above. Because he's been using it to play games.
Predictably, the silly kid lost it. He dropped it while walking and predictably, the phone fell out of his pocket. IDK if it fell or some asshole stole it from his pocket.
After like a couple of minutes we came back to the place where we left him and he just told me:
"WHY DID YOU DROP THE PHONE??! How can you do that? So careless!"
"No, because I went to the toilet and when I came back it's gone in my pocket ... "
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK IN THAT TONE TO ME?! Like it is not your fault now is it? Whose fault is it that it disappeared?"
Heh. I didn't know what to say. And I cannot just stop hollering like that because it is very out of style so I continued to yell at him (anyway I had to vent my anger on someone)
"So what you gonna do about it?"
"I will pay you with my piggy bank's money."
"Yeah, like you got enough money to pay! You think that your money can buy back the same phone?"
*awkward silence*
My sis messaged me on my other phone later on.
"I will pay $900 for your phone please don't be angry with him anymore."
This one little sentence had a tidal effect on me. Untangling the emotions, this is possibly what I felt:
1) Injustice at being made to sound like I AM THE EVIL GUY HERE and my nephew is the victim.
3) Guilt for Reilley's misery (the parts caused by my yelling anyway).
Later on after asking my mom how come she make it sound like he did nothing wrong and I am the one making him miserable instead of me, she said he thoroughly deserved the scolding (I felt slightly better) but she also ...
1) Saw that he was sobbing when she reached home ...
2) Was digging his piggy bank for cash to buy a new phone for me.
I feel so guilty I almost died.
It became clear lah. I was STUPID, I was. The phone is just a piece of metal, and Reilley is flesh and blood. No point getting him all upset over a silly phone. I'll apologize to him tomorrow because now he's asleep.
Meanwhile, any suggestions on what phone to get??? Seems like all the phones are so ugly nowadays. No, not android. Too common and overrated already. Anything else?
This may sound really whiny.
But i found tears rolling down my cheeks reading through this entry.
Write more!
You are good.
DONT BLAME HIM ! , although i think the phone's nice , no offence. btw , how old is your nephew ? :D
The best way to say sorry to people, I've heard,
is a great big hug.
Did you apologize to him? Try the new windows 7 phone! lg got one
This is just too sweet! I wish you were my big brother or something ;)
it might have been stolen from him and he's just a kid
@anonymousmich: Ngawww Thanks! :D
@ANON: He's 7 this year.
@anon: That's so sweet <3
@chibirubie: Ofcourse I did! Windows phone is not very appealing to me.
@Kimberly cun: Haha!
so touching <3
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